The BIG day!!!
OK...there will be LOTS of Big Days in my life, but this one IS pretty exciting!
We will go to the doctor today for the boy or girl? sonogram. The WHOLE pregnancy experience is PRETTY unbelievable...from our 1st picture at 8 weeks to the little flutters that begin around Christmas to the TUMBLES I feel now! It is AMAZING! The human body is more intricately created than I can even IMAGINE...especially how God uses it to grow life INSIDE!
The excitement is BUILDING until four o'clock today...
and then will only CONTINUE until arrival in JUNE!!!!!!
A kid again!
Our next sonogram is January 31st, is "supposed to be" when we find out what "IT" is!I am SO excited to find out, and I have told my students at school that I will tell them after the appointment. So now these students are confident of their ability to predict the sex of this baby. Definitely doctors in the is hysterical! My second and third graders are 50/50! 5th graders ALL vote BOY...
I have laughed SO hard, BUT....I too am equally as clueless... I am HOPING that the doctor will have SOME clue, but STILL... there seems to be a good bit of guessing involved... SO, we will see!!!
Finally, it is PAJAMA day... the ABSOLUTLE best maternity outfit ever invented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though the maternity-look is only accentuated by these clothes; the COMFORT makes it all worth it!
With pjs and brilliant debates going on, school has been entertaining this week. I love the thought process of a child..sometimes I laugh and sometimes I get a little grain of from a 5 year old who LOVES chocolate...
He told me a SAD story about his puppies who died this week. He talked about how "dey died. But if dey asked God into deir heawt, dey would be in puppy-heaven."
I can't wait for our little one to share life with me and funny and faith-growing ways!
One Loved Zucchini
It seems like each week this baby has been compared to some food... and we have truly expanded these days. From the little days of beans and peanuts, this baby has left the legume portion of the pyramid, swelled to strawberry-size, been shrimp-shaped, later had avocado dimensions, and now as the 19th week begins I have a"Zucchini" inside of me!!
ACCORDING TO NORMS, this little being is doing UNBELIEVABLE things this week:
How your baby's growing: Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces, and he measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the length of a small zucchini. His arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of his body now. His kidneys continue to make urine, and the hair on his scalp is sprouting.
This is a crucial time for sensory development: Your baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. If your baby is a girl, she has an astonishing six million eggs in her ovaries.
My prayer for this little "zucchini" is that in ALL things, this child will EXPERIENCE the love of God through all these things the Creator is creating him to do. May this baby smell, taste, hear, see and touch; to the glory of God and grow to love Him more than ALL things.