Wednesday, July 26, 2006


The past seven weeks have FLOWN by with Jed's arrival. He is doing well... sleeping MORE on a "normal" schedule. We have been traveling to see Grammy and Grampy, Mimi and Bear, and a trip to see some we love in Abilene. Jed is a great plane or by car!!! Well here is a favorite pic... we LOVE that little smile when his WHOLE face lights up!!


these 1st weeks have gone incredibily quickly.
we are sleeping MORE at night...not through the night, but very good.
Jed has been traveling like crazy... to Grammy and Grampy' Mimi and Bear's and a stay in Abilene. He LOVES to sleep in the car and did GREAT on the plane.
Here is a picture... isn't he cute?

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Well...we are nearing the ONE MONTH mark, and we are grateful for Jed.
We can hardly imagine life without him. We have now learned the joys of the pacifier and these magic little gass-y drops...there have been moments of "the fussies," but he is STILL the most precious little one!!!