Wednesday, October 05, 2011


there is NO title that fits today, and because NOBODY reads my blog, I am free to type with, well, FREEDOM!

So, we have lived in Fort Worth with D and M for 5 MONTHS!!!! Unbelievable, and how God has blessed our time here. Not with EASE but with GREAT purpose and confidence as Jonathan pursues his dream, as we live with the Biz's, and adventure along in this new area.

Praying NOW specifically as
David is working really TOO hard ( maybe obsessively) as he teaches 8th graders.
Malaya is growing into an Almost Teen, and the muddy waters of no longer being a little girl AND taking responsibility... YIKES!

Finally, a precious Christian family has been walking through fire since last night... Jennifer Ogle is a precious woman of faith and our Jocelyn's 3 year old teacher. She left school yesterday with a beautiful smile on her face, but last night her husband Jason was undergoing surgery because of an aortic tear. He has bled continuously and remains critical.

Lord of LIFE, we ask that you breathe life into Jason, pour peace onto Jennifer and into the hearts of his son and daughter. May YOU, the perfect Healer, be praised!