Friday, November 18, 2005

God's Will

I SO often have tried to pinpoint "God's will" in my narrowmindedness as the details of my life like my career plans, where we live, and other "important" things waiting and praying for God to reveal His divine plan. When this morning, I was reminded of this frm I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
To know that when my life is full of JOY, PRAYER and THANKSGIVING, it brings ALL those details into perspective and reminds me that this is God's is SO much bigger than MY mind can comprehend!
So here are things that have brought me JOY and make me SO thankful...
knowing God is "knitting together in [MY] womb" something WONDERFUL!
having an opportunity to spend time with family as the HOLIDAYS near!
realizing God is faithful and He demonstrates it DAILY in BIG and small ways!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


It is NOVEMBER (nearing Thanksgiving), and I cannot believe it!
Today is also the 10th week of pregnancy...that too AMAZES me! I am 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy...UNBELIEVABLE! Though I haven't felt 100%, I have had NO morning sickness...(ONLY once in the afternoon) and some major food aversions.
However, I am GRATEFUL that I am able to work and live with some tiredness rather than spending all my time sick!
As Thanksgiving nears, I am reminded of my self-centeredness...and want to grow in GRATITUDE so I will add a few THANKS! for the next few weeks.

I am grateful for the memories of the past and the opportunity the future holds. The past provides me an opportunity to see where God has brought me...HE IS AMAZING.
It reminds me of His Faithfulness, and everyonce in a while I see how much growth HE has brought...though often I see LOTS of "room for improvement" and so I am thankful that He is not through with me!
The family and friends God has placed in my life are UNBELIEVABLE blessings I have had and will have, and I am grateful for them...even when the future is a little uncertain. Friends from my hometown, to couple friends who have mentored us in various ways, to both sides of our family, I am grateful for
I am grateful for my job...even though EVERY MORNING, I dread getting out of bed, I enjoy the young, unique boys and girls, and I have the opportunity to shape their young minds...and I am grateful, even when there are whiners and snotty noses and I feel like NO ONE is listening!

God, Teach me to be thankful for I am SO often self-centered rather than YOU-centered. Open my eyes, ears, and heart to see how GREATLY I am blessed!


It is NOVEMBER (nearing Thanksgiving), and I cannot believe it!
Today is also the 10th week of pregnancy...that too AMAZES me! I am 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy...UNBELIEVABLE! Though I haven't felt 100%, I have had NO morning sickness...(ONLY once in the afternoon) and some major food aversions.
However, I am GRATEFUL that I am able to work and live with some tiredness rather than spending all my time sick!
As Thanksgiving nears, I am reminded of my self-centeredness...and want to grow in GRATITUDE so I will add a few THANKS! for the next few weeks.

I am grateful for the memories of the past and the opportunity the future holds. The past provides me an opportunity to see where God has brought me...HE IS AMAZING.
It reminds me of His Faithfulness, and everyonce in a while I see how much growth HE has brought...though often I see LOTS of "room for improvement" and so I am thankful that He is not through with me!
The family and friends God has placed in my life are UNBELIEVABLE blessings I have had and will have, and I am grateful for them...even when the future is a little uncertain. Friends from my hometown, to couple friends who have mentored us in various ways, to both sides of our family, I am grateful for
I am grateful for my job...even though EVERY MORNING, I dread getting out of bed, I enjoy the young, unique boys and girls, and I have the opportunity to shape their young minds...and I am grateful, even when there are whiners and snotty noses and I feel like NO ONE is listening!

God, Teach me to be thankful for I am SO often self-centered rather than YOU-centered. Open my eyes, ears, and heart to see how GREATLY I am blessed!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Some important firsts,
Happy Birthday to DAVID on his thirty-FIRST Birthday yesterday!

Also, yesterday, I went to the doctor WITHOUT fainting!This is a BIG FIRST for me!!
Finally, we got our FIRST PICTURE of our 8 week old baby which is forming in my tummy!
Yes, I know this sonogram photo somewhat resembles a peanut. BUT...still,
it is pretty UNBELIEVABLE to see the forming of a human life INSIDE ME right before my eyes!
Only at 18 mm long, it is AMAZING how greatly that tiny person has changed my life, and caught our attention even though he/she weighs about an ounce!