Thursday, February 23, 2006

A Few Lasts

I have had LOTS of "firsts" the past few months... I am good with those.
I love the first things: days of schools, kisses, pictures, pregnancy... It is the LASTS that get me, and the good byes that have to follow.

Jonathan lead HIP last night at Southern Hills for the final time. Jonathan puts it SO well that it is bitter sweet... we ARE excited about what God has in store for our future, but to leave a church family that has loved, protected, and nurtured us is unbelievably heartbreaking.

The men, women and children of Southern Hills have taught us about service, about honesty, about laughter, and about faith... LOTS about faith...
The worship committee that hired Jonathan had NEVER heard him lead a song, that I know of. WE had been to Southern Hills ONE TIME before embarking on this 2 year adventure with this family of God. AND...Jonathan interviewed for the position of worship leader with a concussion he received from a football tournament the weekend before. It is a miracle that we EVER really became part of the Southern Hills family, but I am SO grateful that we did.

I could name 100 families with 1000 stories of God's faithfulness in their lives...
the Ostleins, the Jones, the Marcelains, and SO many others.

BUT, one of may favorites, is Don Hertenberger (I don't even know how to spell that last name. He joins the college crowd at HIP though he may be a "few" years ahead of them. Mr. Hertenberger is a great example of faith: a dad, a grandpa, and a great grandpa. I love his love for the Lord and His church. He had requested a song that Jonathan lead last night called "You Raise Me Up."

This song speaks of God's faithfulness to help us "become more than [we] could be..." For me it is a reminder of how God has used this church family to "raise us up". Those of you who have been our mentors, our prayer warriors, our friends, our examples, and our teachers. We are FOREVER grateful for this family, and confident that God will cross our paths with those who we have love again and again over the next months and years.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Brand New Day

As a general rule, I do not enjoy change. I LOVE the familiar, but if it had been my choice, I would have NEVER gone off to school...not just college, but EVEN preschool. BUT...I know change is good. It brings growth, and it keeps life interesting.

Right now, I am kind of in CHANGE-OVERLOAD. I am looking at packing up, quitting my job, buying a house, moving across the state, and having a child. ALL in the next 4 months. It seems TOO overwhelming when I am tired and focused on my self.

BUT...every morning, after a good night's sleep, the feelings that overwhelmed me the night before are a distant memory. Though the circumstances have not changed, my perspective has. When I wake up to a new day, God always reminds me that He is in control, that He is Faithful when my faith is weak.

God, thank you for your faithfulness, for making ME new every morning, and for doing MARVELOUS WONDERS all around and within me.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


After a little LET-DOWN when my doctor was BUSY with some "emergency surgery," and my sonogram had to WAIT! Normally, I am a patient person... I work with a WIDE-RANGE of patience-stretching children, but waiting until this morning ALMOST stretched me too thin (not that I am looking THIN these days), BUT....this morning, IT HAPPENED!!!!!

There was NO emergency surgery, and we were able to our baby and it is a BOY!!!
I was INCREDIBLY nervous last night and all morning, but I AM SO EXCITED!!
The doctor was VERY confident about this call, and that is VERY relieving...the wishy-washy,"I THINK it is a _________?" would have left me in a freenzy UNTIL June. Even though Jonathan KNEW it was a boy, and I was leaning that way, it was great to get the doctor's agreement.

Well, I am settled down (a little), but I am still FILLED with excitement. This makes EVERYTHING seem SO much more REAL! Tomorrow starts my 22nd week....18 left to go!!!!
I have felt great and LOVE feeling the little tumbles when he is awake and ready to WIGGLE!!!
I will try to post a "picture" even though it takes a good bit of imagination to find a face in is a face I love SO much!!!!!!!!!